Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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21232That the Earth may be a Planet.
1. What need the King of Babylon ſend
thither to enquire after it?
If you reply,
becauſe it was occaſioned by Hezekiah's Re-
I anſwer, ’Tis not likely that the
Heathens would ever believe ſo great a Mi-
racle ſhould be wrought, meerly for a Sign
of one Man's recovery from a Diſeaſe;
would rather be apt to think that it was
done for ſome more remarkable purpoſe,
and that by ſome of their own Gods, unto
whom they attributed a far greater power,
than unto any other.
'Tis more probable,
that they might hear ſome flying Rumour
of a Miracle that was ſeen in Judea;
becauſe it hapned only in Hezekiab's Houſe
and Dial, and that too upon his recovery
from a dangerous ſickneſs, they might be
more apt to believe that it was a ſign of
2. Why have we no mention made of it
in the Writings of the Ancients?
It is no
way likely, that ſo great a Miracle as this
was (if it were in the Sun) ſhould have
been paſſed over in ſilence;
Eſpecially, ſince
it hapned in thoſe later Times, when there
were many Heathen Writers that flouriſhed
in the World, Heſiod, Archilochus, Symo-
and not long after, Homer, with di-
vers others;
and yet none of them have the
leaſt mention of any ſuch Prodigy.
have many relations of Matters that were
leſs obſervable, which were done about that
the Hiſtory of Numa Pompilius, Gy-
the fight betwixt the three

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