Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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160148That the Moon may be a World. ſarily upon the ſame ground remain ſwimming
there, and of it ſelf can no more fall, than any
Empty Ship can ſink.
’Tis commonly granted, that if there were
a hole quite through the Centre of the Earth,
though any heavy Body (as ſuppoſe a Milſtone)
were let fall into it, yet when it came into
rhe place of the Centre, it would there reſt
immoveable in the Air.
Now, as in this caſe,
its own condenſity cannot hinder, but that it
may reſt open Air, when there is no other
place, to which it ſhould be attracted:
So nei-
ther could it be any impediment unto it, if it
were placed without the Sphere of the Earths
Magnetical Vigor, where there ſhould be no
Attraction at all.
From hence then (I ſay) you may conceive,
that if a Man were beyond this Sphere, he
might there ſtand as firmly in the Open Air,
as now upon the Earth.
And if he might
ſtand there, why may he not alſo go there?
And if ſo; then there is alſo a a poſſibility
likewife of having other Conveniences for
And here ’tis conſiderable, that ſince our
bodies will then be devoid of Gravity, and
other Impediments of Motion;
we ſhall not
at all ſpend our ſelves in any Labour, and ſo
conſequently not much need the Reparation
of Dyet:
But may perhaps live altogether
without it, as thoſe Creatures have done;
who by Reaſon of their ſleeping for many days
together, have not ſpent any Spirits, and ſo
not wanted any Food:
which is commonly
related of Serpents, Crococodiles, Bears,

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