Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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346166That the Earth may be a Planet. the Sun at A, in the four chief Points of
the Zodiack;
namely, the two Equinoctials
at ♈ and ♎, and the Solſtices at ♑ and ♋.
Through all which Points, the Earth does
paſs in its Annual Motion, from Weſt to
The Axis, upon which our Earth does
move, is repreſented by the Line BC;
which Axis does always decline from that of
the Ecliptick, about 23 degres, 30 minutes.

The Points BC, are imagined to be the Poles,
B the North Pole, and C the South.
Now if we ſuppoſe this Earth to turn a-
bout its own Axis, by a Diurnal Motion,
then every Point of it will deſcribe a Paral-
lel Circle, which will be either bigger or
leſſer, according to its diſtance from the
The chief of them are the Equino-
ctial DE.
The two Tropicks, FG, and HI.
The two Polar Circles, MN the Artick,
and KL the Antartick:
of which, the Equi-
noctial only is a great Circle, and therefore
will always be equally divided by the Line of
Illumination, ML;
whereas the other Pa-
rallels are thereby diſtributed into unequal
Amongſt which parts, the Diurnal
Arches of thoſe that are towards B, the
North Pole, are bigger than the Nocturnal,
when our Earth is in ♑, and the Sun appears
in ♋.
Inſomuch, that the whole Artick Cir-
cle is enlightned, and there is day for half a
Year together under that Pole.
Now when the Earth proceeds to the other
Solſtice at ♋, and the Sun appears in ♑,

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