Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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321141That the Earth may be a Planet.
That it is more probable the Earth does
move, than the Sun or Heavens.
A Mongſt thoſe many Arguments that
may be urged for the conſirmation of
this Truth, I ſhall only ſet down theſe five.
1. If we ſuppoſe the Earth to be the
cauſe of this Motion, then will thoſe vaſt
and glorious Bodies of the Heavens, be freed
from that inconceivable, unnatural ſwift-
neſs, which muſt otherwiſe be attributed
unto them.
For if the Diurnal Revolution be in the
11Vid. Mæſt.
Epit. Aſtr.
l. 1. in fine.
Heavens, then it will follow, according to
the common Hypotheſis, that each Star in
the Equator, muſt in every hour move at
the leaſt 4529538 German miles.
So that
according to the obſervation of 22De Prop.
l. 5 prop. 58
who tells us, that the Pulſe of a well-tem-
pered Man, does beat 4000 times in an
one of the Stars in that ſpace, whilſt
the Pulſe beats once, muſt paſs 1132 Ger-
man miles (ſaith Alphraganus):
Or, ac-
cording to Tycho, 732 German miles.
theſe numbers ſeem to be ſomewhat of the
and therefore many others do much
enlarge them, affirming that every Star

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