Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of figures

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[Figure 11]
[Figure 12]
[Figure 13]
[Figure 14]
[Figure 15]
[Figure 16]
[Figure 17]
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5341That the Moon may be a World. cording to this Opinion, the ſpots would not
always be the ſame, but divers, as the vari-
ous diſtance of the Sun requires.
Again, if
the Sun Beams did paſs through Her, why
then hath ſhe not a Tail (ſaith Scaliger) as the
Exer cit. 80.
ſect. 18.
why doth ſhe appear in ſuch an ex-
act Round?
and not rather Attended with a
long Flame, ſince it is meerly this Penetration
of the Sun Beams, that is uſually Attributed
to be the Cauſe of Beards in Blaſing Stars.
3. It is Opacous, not Tranſparent or Dia-
223 phanous, like Chryſtal or Glaſs, as Empedo-
33Plut. de fæ-
cie Lunæ.
cles thought, who held the Moon to be a
Globe of pure Congeal'd Air, like Hail inclo-
ſed in a Sphere of Fire;
for then,
1. Why does ſhe not always appear in the
ſince the Light is Diſperſed through all
her Body.
2. How can the Interpoſition of her
Plut. de fd
cie Lunæ.
Body ſo Darken the Sun, or cauſe ſuch great
Eclipſes as have turned Day into Night, that
have diſcover'd the Stars, and Frighted the
Birds with ſuch a ſudden Darkneſs, that they
fell down upon the Earth, as is related in di-
vers Hiſtories.
And thereſore Herodotus tel-
ling of anEclipſe which fell in Xerxes's time, de-
ſcribesitthus, ὸ ἥλι {ος} ἐκλιπῶ, τὴυ {ἐκ}τ{οῦ} {οὐ}ραν{οῦ} ὲδρην
55Herodot. l.
7. c. 37.
ἀφανὴς {ἦν}.
The Sun leaving its wonted Seat in
the Heavens, Vaniſhed away ;
all which argues
ſuch a great Darkneſs, as could not have been,
if her Body had been Perſpicuous.
there are who Interpret all theſe Relations to
be Hyberbolical Expreſſions;
and the Noble
Tycho thinks it naturally impoſſible that any
Eclipſe ſhould cauſe ſuch Darkneſs;

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