128116That the Moon may be a World.
by the ſame reaſon, may a brighter Vapour
be the cauſe of theſe appearances.
be the cauſe of theſe appearances.
But how probable ſoever this Opinion may
ſeem, yet if well conſider’d, you ſhall find it
altogether abſurd and impoſſible: for,
ſeem, yet if well conſider’d, you ſhall find it
altogether abſurd and impoſſible: for,
Theſe Stars were never ſeen there before,
and ’tis not likely, that a Vapour being hard
by us, can ſo multiply that Light, which could
not before be at all diſcern’d.
and ’tis not likely, that a Vapour being hard
by us, can ſo multiply that Light, which could
not before be at all diſcern’d.
This ſuppos’d Vapour cannot be either
contracted into a narrow compaſs, or dilated
into a broad. 1. It could not be within a little
ſpace, for then that Star would not appear
with the ſame multiplyed Light to thoſe in
other Climates. 2. It cannot be a dilated Va-
pour, for then other Stars which were diſcer-
ned through the ſame Vapour, would ſeem as
big as that; this Argument is the ſame in ef-
fect, with that of the Paralax, as you may ſee
in this Figure.
contracted into a narrow compaſs, or dilated
into a broad. 1. It could not be within a little
ſpace, for then that Star would not appear
with the ſame multiplyed Light to thoſe in
other Climates. 2. It cannot be a dilated Va-
pour, for then other Stars which were diſcer-
ned through the ſame Vapour, would ſeem as
big as that; this Argument is the ſame in ef-
fect, with that of the Paralax, as you may ſee
in this Figure.