348168That the Earth may be a Planet.
pearance concerning the difference betwixt
Days and Nights, Winter and Summer, to-
gether with all thoſe other varieties which
depend upon them.
Days and Nights, Winter and Summer, to-
gether with all thoſe other varieties which
depend upon them.
If you would know how the Planets (ac-
cording to the Syſteme of the Heavens) will
appear Direct, Stationary, Retrograde; and
yet ſtill move regularly about their own
Centres, you may plainly diſcern it by this
following Diagram.
cording to the Syſteme of the Heavens) will
appear Direct, Stationary, Retrograde; and
yet ſtill move regularly about their own
Centres, you may plainly diſcern it by this
following Diagram.