6250That the Moon may be a World.
in his Preface to his Treatiſe concerning the
Auſtriaca ſydera; Luna, Venus, & Mercurius,
terreſtris & humidœ ſunt ſubſtati ideoquœ de ſuo
non lucere, ſicut nec terra. The Moon, Venus,
and Mercury, ſaith he, are of an Earthly and
moiſt Subſtance, and therefore have no more
Light of their own, than the Earth hath. Nay,
ſome there are, who think (though without
Ground) that all the other Stars do receive that
Light whereby they appear Viſible to us, from
the Sun: So Ptolomy, Iſidore Iſpalenſis, 11Originum
l. 3. c. 60. Albertus Magnus, and Bede; much more then muſt the Moon ſhine with a borrowed
22D; Cœlo.
1. 2:Light.
Auſtriaca ſydera; Luna, Venus, & Mercurius,
terreſtris & humidœ ſunt ſubſtati ideoquœ de ſuo
non lucere, ſicut nec terra. The Moon, Venus,
and Mercury, ſaith he, are of an Earthly and
moiſt Subſtance, and therefore have no more
Light of their own, than the Earth hath. Nay,
ſome there are, who think (though without
Ground) that all the other Stars do receive that
Light whereby they appear Viſible to us, from
the Sun: So Ptolomy, Iſidore Iſpalenſis, 11Originum
l. 3. c. 60. Albertus Magnus, and Bede; much more then muſt the Moon ſhine with a borrowed
22D; Cœlo.
1. 2:Light.
But enough of this.
I have now ſufficient-
ne tempor.
c. 4. ly ſhewed what at the firſt I promis'd, that
this Light is not proper to the Moon. It re-
44Item Plinie
lib. 2. ca. 6. mains in the next place, that I tell you the true
Reaſon of it. And here I think ’tis probable
55Hugo de
Sancto Vi-
ctore. that the Light which appears in the Moon at
the Eclipſes, is nothing elſe but the ſecond
66Annot. in
Gen. 6. Species of the Suns Rayes which paſs through
the ſhadow into her Body: and from a mix-
ture of this ſecond Light with the Shadow
ariſes that redneſs which at ſome times appears
unto us. I may call it Lumen crepuſculinum,
the Aurora of the Moon, or ſuch a kind of
Bluſhing Light, that the Sun cauſes when it
is near its riſing, when he beſtows ſome ſmall
Light upon the thicker Vapours. Thus we
ſee commonly the Sun being in the Horizon,
and the Reflexion growing Weak, how his
Beams make the Waters appear very Red.
ne tempor.
c. 4. ly ſhewed what at the firſt I promis'd, that
this Light is not proper to the Moon. It re-
44Item Plinie
lib. 2. ca. 6. mains in the next place, that I tell you the true
Reaſon of it. And here I think ’tis probable
55Hugo de
Sancto Vi-
ctore. that the Light which appears in the Moon at
the Eclipſes, is nothing elſe but the ſecond
66Annot. in
Gen. 6. Species of the Suns Rayes which paſs through
the ſhadow into her Body: and from a mix-
ture of this ſecond Light with the Shadow
ariſes that redneſs which at ſome times appears
unto us. I may call it Lumen crepuſculinum,
the Aurora of the Moon, or ſuch a kind of
Bluſhing Light, that the Sun cauſes when it
is near its riſing, when he beſtows ſome ſmall
Light upon the thicker Vapours. Thus we
ſee commonly the Sun being in the Horizon,
and the Reflexion growing Weak, how his
Beams make the Waters appear very Red.