26888That the Earth may be a Planet.
this concluſion, That in all Eclipſes, the Earth
is in ſuch a ſtreight Line, (betwixt the two
Luminaries) whoſe extremities do point
unto oppoſite parts of the Zodiack. Now tho
our Adverſaries ſhould ſuppoſe (as Coperni-
cus does) the Earth to be ſcituated in that
which they would have to be the Sun's Orb;
yet would there not be any Eclipſe, but when
the Sun and Moon were diametrically oppo-
ſite, and our Earth betwixt them: As may
clearly be manifeſted by this Figure, where
you ſee the two Luminaries in oppoſite Signs:
and according as any part of our Earth is
ſcituated by its diurnal Revolution, ſo will
every Eclipſe be either viſible, or not viſible
unto it.
is in ſuch a ſtreight Line, (betwixt the two
Luminaries) whoſe extremities do point
unto oppoſite parts of the Zodiack. Now tho
our Adverſaries ſhould ſuppoſe (as Coperni-
cus does) the Earth to be ſcituated in that
which they would have to be the Sun's Orb;
yet would there not be any Eclipſe, but when
the Sun and Moon were diametrically oppo-
ſite, and our Earth betwixt them: As may
clearly be manifeſted by this Figure, where
you ſee the two Luminaries in oppoſite Signs:
and according as any part of our Earth is
ſcituated by its diurnal Revolution, ſo will
every Eclipſe be either viſible, or not viſible
unto it.