26080That the Earth may be a Planet.
Which becauſe they are taken for gran-
ted, without any proof, and are in them-
ſelves but weak and doubtſul: therefore the
concluſion (which always follows the worſer
part) cannot be ſtrong, and ſo will not need
any other anſwer.
ted, without any proof, and are in them-
ſelves but weak and doubtſul: therefore the
concluſion (which always follows the worſer
part) cannot be ſtrong, and ſo will not need
any other anſwer.
From the vileneſs of our Earth,
becauſe it conſiſts of a more ſordid and baſe
Matter than any other part of the World;
and therefore, muſt be ſcituated in the Cen-
tre, which is the worſt place, and at the
greateſt diſtance from thoſe purer incorrup-
tible Bodies, the Heavens.
becauſe it conſiſts of a more ſordid and baſe
Matter than any other part of the World;
and therefore, muſt be ſcituated in the Cen-
tre, which is the worſt place, and at the
greateſt diſtance from thoſe purer incorrup-
tible Bodies, the Heavens.
I anſwer :
This Argument does ſuppoſe
ſuch Propoſitions for Grounds, which are
not yet proved; and therefore not to be
granted. As,
ſuch Propoſitions for Grounds, which are
not yet proved; and therefore not to be
granted. As,