25272That the Earth may be a Planet.
So Pſalm.
The Moon and the
Stars, התגגרב רשא, which [thou haſt eſta-
bliſhed. ] Thus likewiſe, Prov. 8. 27. when be
eſtabliſhed the Heavens: And in the next
Verſe, our Engliſh Tranſlation reads it,
when he eſtabliſhed the Clouds. And yet our
Adverſaries will affirm the Moon, and Stars,
and Clouds, to be ſubject unto natural Mo-
tions: Why then ſhould the very ſame ex-
preſſions be counted as ſuſſicient Arguments
to take it away from the Earth?
Stars, התגגרב רשא, which [thou haſt eſta-
bliſhed. ] Thus likewiſe, Prov. 8. 27. when be
eſtabliſhed the Heavens: And in the next
Verſe, our Engliſh Tranſlation reads it,
when he eſtabliſhed the Clouds. And yet our
Adverſaries will affirm the Moon, and Stars,
and Clouds, to be ſubject unto natural Mo-
tions: Why then ſhould the very ſame ex-
preſſions be counted as ſuſſicient Arguments
to take it away from the Earth?
If it be replied;
That by eſtabliſhing the
Heavens, is meant only the holding of them
up, that they do not fall down to us, (as
Lorinus explains that in Pſal. 8. and quotes
in Pſ.8. Euthymius for the ſame interpretation)
Fundandi verbum ſignificat decidere non poſſe,
aut dimoteri a loco ubi collocata ſunt. I an-
ſwer, Why may not we as well interpret
the words thus of the Earth; ſo that by
eſtabliſhing of it, is meant only the keep-
ing of it up in the vaſt places of the open
Air, without falling to any other place.
Heavens, is meant only the holding of them
up, that they do not fall down to us, (as
Lorinus explains that in Pſal. 8. and quotes
in Pſ.8. Euthymius for the ſame interpretation)
Fundandi verbum ſignificat decidere non poſſe,
aut dimoteri a loco ubi collocata ſunt. I an-
ſwer, Why may not we as well interpret
the words thus of the Earth; ſo that by
eſtabliſhing of it, is meant only the keep-
ing of it up in the vaſt places of the open
Air, without falling to any other place.