Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

Table of contents

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[51.] PROP. IV.
[52.] PROP. V.
[53.] PROP. VI.
[55.] That the EARTH May be a PLANET. PROP. I.
[56.] PROP. II.
[57.] PROP. III.
[58.] PROP. IV.
[59.] PROP. V. That the Scripture, in its proper conſtru-ction, does not any where affirm the Immobility of the Earth.
[60.] PROP. VI. That there is not any Argument from the Words of Scripture, Principles of Na-ture, or Obſervations in Aſtronomy, which can ſuſſiciently evidence the Earth to be in the Gentre of the Uni-verſe.
[61.] PROP. VII. Tis probable that the Sun is in the Gentre of the World.
[62.] PROP. VIII. That there is not any ſufficient reaſon to prove the Earth incapable of thoſe mo-tions which Copernicus aſcribes un-to it.
[63.] Provebimur portu, terræque, verbeſq; recedunt.
[64.] PROP. IX. That it is more probable the Earth does move, than the Sun or Heavens.
[65.] PROP. X. That this Hypotheſis is exactly agreeable to common appearances.
[66.] Quicunq; ſolam mente præcipiti petit
[67.] Brevem replere non valentis ambitum, # Pudebit aucti nominis.
[68.] FINIS.
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The Epiſtle to the READER.
IF amongſt thy leiſure hours, thou canſt
ſpare any for the pernſal of this diſcourſe,
and doſt look to find ſomewhat in it which
may ſerve for thy Information and Benefit:
let me then adviſe thee to come unto it with
an equal Mind, not ſwayed by Prejudice, but
indifferently reſolved to Aſſent unto that
Truth which upon Deliberation ſhall ſeem
moſt probable unto thy Reaſon, and then I
doubt not, but either thon wilt agree with me
in this Aſſertion, or at leaſt not think it to
be as far from Truth, as it is from common
Two Cautions there are which I would wil-
lingly Admoniſh thee of in the Beginning.
I. That thou ſhouldſt not here look to find
any Exact, Accurate Treatiſe, ſince this
Diſcourſe was but the Fruit of ſome Lighter
Studies, and thoſe too budled up in a ſhort
time, being firſt thought of, and finiſhed in
the ſpace of ſome few Weeks, and therefore
you cannot in Reaſon Expect, that it ſhould be
ſo poliſhed, as perhaps, the Subject would re-
quire, or the leiſure of the Author might have
done it.

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