Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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359179That the Earth may be a Planet. proving of a God, and making Men reli-
ſo likewiſe may it ſerve to confirm
unto us the Truth of the Holy Scriptures;
ſince the Sacred Story, in the order of its
Narrations, does ſo exactly agree with the
Converſions of Heaven, and Logiſtical Aſtro-
It may alſo ſtir us up to behave our ſelves
anſwerably, unto the noble and divine Na-
ture of our Souls.
When I conſider the Hea-
ven, the Works of thy Fingers;
the Moon and
the Stars which thou haſt ordained:
What is
11Pſal.8. 3,6 Man, that thou art ſo mindful of him?
as to
create ſuch vaſt glorious Bodies for his Ser-
Again, when I conſider with my ſelf, the
ſtrange immenſity and bigneſs of this great
in compariſon to which, this Earth
of ours, is but as an undiſcernable Point:
When I conſider that I carry a Soul about
me, of a far greater worth than all this,
and Deſires that are of a wider extent, and
more unbounded capacity, than this whole
Frame of Nature;
then me-thinks it muſt
needs argue a degenerateneſs and poverty
of Spirit, to buſy my Faculties about ſo
ignoble, narrow a Subject, as any of theſe
earthly things.
What a folly is it in Men to have ſuch
high conceits of themſelves, for ſome ſmall
Poſſeſſions which they have in the World
above others, to keep ſo great a busſle
about ſo poor a Matter.
Hoc eſt

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