24262That the Earth may be a Planet.
To this purpoſe, ſome urge that
ſpeech of our Saviour, where he bids Simon
11Luk. 5. 24.
’Eις τὰ βα-
θ{ος} to launch forth into the deep; the Latin
word is, in altum; from whence they ga-
ther, that the Sea is higher than the Land.
But this ſavours ſo much of Monkiſh Igno-
rance, that it deſerves rather to be laughed
at, than to be anſwered.
ſpeech of our Saviour, where he bids Simon
11Luk. 5. 24.
’Eις τὰ βα-
θ{ος} to launch forth into the deep; the Latin
word is, in altum; from whence they ga-
ther, that the Sea is higher than the Land.
But this ſavours ſo much of Monkiſh Igno-
rance, that it deſerves rather to be laughed
at, than to be anſwered.
But now if we conſider the true Proper-
ties of this Element, according to the Rules
of Philoſophy; we ſhall find, that its not
overflowing the Land, is ſo far from being
a Miracle, that it is a neceſſary conſequence
of its Nature; and ’twould rather be a Mi-
racle, if it ſhould be otherwiſe, as it was
in the general Deluge. The reaſon is, be-
cauſe the Water of it ſelf muſt neceſſarily
deſcend to the loweſt place; which it can-
not do, unleſs it be collected in a ſphærical
Form, as you may plainly diſcern in this
ties of this Element, according to the Rules
of Philoſophy; we ſhall find, that its not
overflowing the Land, is ſo far from being
a Miracle, that it is a neceſſary conſequence
of its Nature; and ’twould rather be a Mi-
racle, if it ſhould be otherwiſe, as it was
in the general Deluge. The reaſon is, be-
cauſe the Water of it ſelf muſt neceſſarily
deſcend to the loweſt place; which it can-
not do, unleſs it be collected in a ſphærical
Form, as you may plainly diſcern in this
Where the Sea at D may ſeem to be higher
than a Mountain at B, or C, becauſe
than a Mountain at B, or C, becauſe