Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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10492That the Moon may be a World.
That there is an Atmo-ſphæra, or an Orb of groſs,
Vaporous Air, immediately encompaſſing the
body of the Moon.
AS that part of our Air which is neareſt
to the Earth, is of a thicker Subſtance
than the other, by reaſon ’tis always mixed
with ſome Vapours, which are continually
exhaled into it.
So is it equally requiſit, that
if there be a World in the Moon, that the Air
About that, ſhould be alike qualified with
Now, that there is ſuch an Orb of groſs
Air, was firſt of all (for ought I can read)
obſerved by Meſlin, afterwards aſſented unto
by Keplar and Galilæus, and fince by Baptiſta
11Vide Euſeb.
Nierem. de
Nat. Hiſt.
l. 2. c. 11.
Giſatus, Scheiner, with others, all of them con-
firming it by the ſame Arguments which I
ſhall only cite, and then leave this Propoſition.
1. ’Tis not improbable that there ſhould be
a Sphere of groſſer Air about the Moon, be-
cauſe'tis obſerv'd, that there are ſuch kind of
Evaporations which proceed from the Sun it
For there are diſcover'd divers movea-
ble Spots, like Clouds, that do encompaſs his
which thoſe Authors, who have been
moſt frequently vers'd in theſe kind of Expe-
riments and Studies, do conclude to be nothing
elſe but Evaporations from it.
The Probabi-
lity and Truth of which Obſervations may al-
22So A. D.
April 24.
to the 28.
ſo be inferr'd from ſome other appearances.
1. It hath been obſerv'd, that the Sun hath
ſometimes for the ſpace of four days

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