Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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9381That the Moon may be a World. Policy, whether true or falſe, but ſome of them,
by a Cabaliſtical Interpretation can Father it
upon a dark place of Scripture, or (if need be)
upon a Text that is clean contrary.
There be-
ing not any abſurdity ſo groſs and incredible,
for which theſe Abuſers of the Text, will not
find out an Argument.
Whereas, ’tis the more
natural way, and ſhould be obſerved in all Con-
troverſies, to apply unto every thing, the pro-
per proofs of it;
and when we deal with Phi-
loſophical Truths, to keep our ſelves within
the Bounds of Humane Reaſon and Authority.
But this by the way. For the better proof
of this Propoſition, I might here Cite the Te-
ſtimony of Diodorus, who thought the Moon
to be full of rugged places, velut terreſtribus
tumultis ſupercilioſam;
but he erred much in
ſome Circumſtances of this Opinion, eſpecial-
ly where he ſays, there is an Iſland amongſt
the Hyperboreans, wherein thoſe Hills may
to the Eye be plainly diſcover'd;
and for this
reaſon Gælius calls him a Fabulous Writer.
11Lect. aut.
l. 1. c. 15.
But you may ſee more expreſs Authority for
the Proof of this in the Opinions of Anaxago-
22Plut. de
plac. l. 2. c.
ras and Democritus, who held that this Planet
was full of Champion Grounds, Mountains
and Vallies.
And this ſeemed likewiſe proba-
ble unto Auguſtinus Nifus, whoſe words are
Forſitan non eſt remotum dicere lunæ par-
33De calo.l. 2.
part. 49.
tes eſſe diverſas, veluti ſunt partes terræ, quarum
aliæ ſunt valloſæ, aliæ montoſæ, ex quarum diffe-
rentia effici poteſt facies illa lunæ;
nec eſt rationi
diſſonum, nam luna eſt corpus imperfecte Sphæ-
ricum, cum ſit corpus ab ultimo cœlo elongatum,
ut ſupra dixit Ariſtoteles.
‘Perhaps, it

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