Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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149137That the Moon may be a World. wonder at the Blindneſs of our Anceſtors, who
were not able to Diſcern ſuch things, as ſeem
Plain and Obvious unto us, ſo will our Poſte-
rity, Admire our Ignorance in as Perſpicuous
In the firſt Ages of the World the Iſlanders
thought themſelves either to be the only dwel-
lers upon Earth, or elſe if there were any
other, they could not poſſibly conceive how
they might have any Commerce with them,
being ſever’d by the deep and broad Sea.
But after times found out the Invention of
Ships, in which notwithſtanding, none but
ſome bold, daring Men durſt venture, accor-
ding to that of the Tragœdian.
11Sen. Med.
act. 1.
Vide hora
Od. 3.
ſat. 12.
præf. ad 1.
lib. de rap.
Audax nimium qui freta primus
Rate tam fragili perfida rupit.
Too bold was he, who in a Ship ſo frail,
Firſt ventur’d on the treacherous Waves to ſail.
And yet now, how eaſie a thing is this even
to a timorous and cowardly Nature?
queſtionleſs, the Invention of ſome other
means for our Conveyance to the Moon, can-
not ſeem more incredible to us, than this did
at firſt to them, and therefore we have no juſt
reaſon to be diſcouraged in our hopes of the
like ſucceſs.
Yea, but (you will ſay) th@re can be no ſai-
ling thither, unleſs that were true which the
Poets do but feign, that ſhe made her Bed in
the Sea.
We have not now any Drake, or
Columbus to Undertake this Voyage, or any
Dædalus to Invent a Conveyance through the
I Anſwer, Though we have not, yet

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