Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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280100That the Eartb may be a Planet. the like Artificial Inſtruments of Moti-
There be ſundry other Particulars, where-
by this Opinion concerning the Sun's being
in the Centre, may be ſtrongly evidenced;
Which becauſe they relate unto ſeveral Mo-
tions alſo, cannot therefore properly be in-
fiſted on in this place.
You may eaſily e-
nough diſcern them, by conſidering the
whole Frame of the Heavens, as they are
according to the Syſteme of Copernicus;

wherein all thoſe probable Reſolutions that
are given for divers appearances amongſt
the Planets, do mainly depend upon this
Suppoſition, that the Sun is in the Centre.

Which Arguments (were there no other)
might be abundantly enough for the confir-
mation of it.
But for the greater plenty,
there are likewiſe theſe Probabilities conſi-
1. It may ſeem agreeable to reaſon, That
the Light which is diffuſed in ſeveral Stars
through the Circumference of the World,
ſhould be more eminently contained, and
(as it were) contracted in the Centre of
it, which can only be by placing the Sun
2. ’Tis an Argument of Clavius, 11In prim.
ſrequently urged by our Adverſaries, That
the moſt natural ſcituation of the Sun's Bo-
dy was in the midſt, betwixt the other Pla-
and that for this Reaſon, becauſe
from thence he might more conveniently di-
ſtribute amongſt them both his Light

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