Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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              but that the diminution of the ſame velocity, dependent on the
              diminution of the gravity of the moveable (which vvas the ſecond
              cauſe) doth alſo obſerve the ſame proportion, doth not ſo plainly
              appear, And vvho ſhall aſſure us that it doth not proceed
              ding to the proportion of the lines intercepted between the ſecant,
              and the circumference; or vvhether vvith a greater proportion?</s>
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              <s>SALV. </s>
              <s>I have aſſumed for a truth, that the velocities of
              bles deſcending naturally, vvill follovv the proportion of their
              vities, with the favour of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              and of
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              who doth
              in many places affirm the ſame, as a propoſition manifeſt: You,
              in favour of my adverſary, bring the ſame into queſtion, and ſay
              that its poſſible that the velocity increaſeth with greater
              tion, yea and greater
                <emph type="italics"/>
              in infinitum
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              than that of the gravity; ſo that
              all that hath been ſaid falleth to the ground: For maintaining
              whereof, I ſay, that the proportion of the velocities is much leſſe
              than that of the gravities; and thereby I do not onely ſupport
              but confirme the premiſes. </s>
              <s>And for proof of this I appeal unto
              experience, which will ſhew us, that a grave body, howbeit thirty
              or fourty times bigger then another; as for example, a ball of
              lead, and another of ſugar, will not move much more than twice
              as faſt. </s>
              <s>Now if the projection would not be made, albeit the
              locity of the cadent body ſhould diminiſh according to the
              portion of the gravity, much leſſe would it be made ſo long as the
              velocity is but little diminiſhed, by abating much from the
              ty. </s>
              <s>But yet ſuppoſing that the velocity diminiſheth with a
              tion much greater than that wherewith the gravity decreaſeth, nay
              though it were the ſelf-ſame wherewith thoſe parallels conteined
              between the tangent and circumference do decreaſe, yet cannot I
              ſee any neceſſity why I ſhould grant the projection of matters of
              never ſo great levity; yea I farther averre, that there could no ſuch
              projection follow, meaning alwayes of matters not properly and
              abſolutely light, that is, void of all gravity, and that of their own
              natures move upwards, but that deſcend very ſlowly, and
              have very ſmall gravity. </s>
              <s>And that which moveth me ſo to think
              is, that the diminution of gravity, made according to the
              tion of the parallels between the tangent and the circumference,
              hath for its ultimate and higheſt term the nullity of weight, as thoſe
              parallels have for their laſt term of their diminution the contact it
              ſelf, which is an indiviſible point: Now gravity never diminiſheth
              ſo far as to its laſt term, for then the moveable would ceaſe to be
              grave; but yet the ſpace of the reverſion of the project to the
              circumference is reduced to the ultimate minuity, which is when
              the moveable reſteth upon the circumference in the very point of
              contact; ſo as that to return thither it hath no need of ſpace:
              and therefore let the propenſion to the motion of deſcent be </s>