Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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291111That the Earth may be a Planet. above us were whirled about with ſuch a
mad celerity as our Adverſaries ſuppoſe;
for then there would be but ſmall hopes, that
this little point of Earth ſhould eſcape from
the reſt.
But ſuppoſing (ſaith * Roſſe) that this
11Lib. 1. ſect.
1. cap. 3.
Motion were natural to the Earth, yet it is
not natural to Towns and Buildings, for
theſe are Artificial.
To which I anſwer: Ha, ha, ha.
3. Another Argument to this purpoſe, is
taken from the reſt and quietneſs of the Air
about us;
which could not be, if there were
any ſuch ſwift Motion of the Earth.
If a Man
riding upon a fleet Horſe, do perceive the
Air to beat againſt his Face, as if there
were a Wind, what a vehement Tempeſt
ſhould we continually feel from the Eaſt, if
the Earth were turned about with ſuch a
ſwift revolution as is ſuppoſed?
Unto this ’tis uſually anſwered, That the
Air alſo is carried along with the ſame mo-
tion of the Earth:
For if the Concavity of
the Moon's Orb, which is of ſo ſmooth and
glabrous a Superficies, may (according to
our Adverſaries) drive along with it the
greateſt part of this Elementary World, all
the Regions of Fire, and all the vaſt upper
Regions of Air, and (as ſome will have it)
the two lower Regions, together with the
Sea likewiſe;
for from hence (ſaith Alex.
Roſſe, lib. 1. ſect. 1. cap. 3.) is it, that be-
twixt the Tropicks there is a conſtant Eaſtern
Wind, and a continual flowing of the

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