Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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350170That the Earth may be a Planet. aftervvards, both of them being carried to
(Gg), then Jupiter vvill appear at (s),
as if by a haſty motion he had returned
from his former Courſe the ſpace (xs):
Both of them paſſing to (Hh), this Planet
vvill ſtill ſeem to be ſvviftly Retrograde, and
appear in the Point at (p);
but vvhen they
come to the Points (Ii), Jupiter vvill then
ſeem to be ſlovver in this Motion, and to
have only paſſed the ſpace (pn).
Both of
them being transferred to (Kk), Jupiter
vvill then appear in the Zodiack at (o), as
being again Direct, going forvvard accord-
ing to the order of the Signs;
and vvhile
the Earth did paſs the Arch (IK), Jupiter
then remain’d betvveen the Points (no),
and ſo conſequently, did again ſeem to be
Both of them coming to (Ll),
and thenceto (Mm), Jupiter vvill ſtill ap-
pear Direct, and to have gone forvvard in
the Zodiack from (q) to (t).
So that all
the ſpace vvherein Jupiter is Retrograde, is
repreſented by the Arch (nz).
In vvhich
ſpace, he himſelf moves in his ovvn Orb, the
Arch (ei), and ſo the Earth in its Orb, a
proportional ſpace (EI).
As it hath been ſaid of this Planet, ſo like-
vviſe is it appliable to the other.
Mars, Venus, Mercury;
all vvhich are thus
made to appear direct, ſtationary, and retro-
grade, by the motion of our Earth, vvith-
out the help of thoſe Epycicles and Eccen-
tricks, and ſuch unneceſſary Wheel-vvork,
vvherevvith Ptolomy hath filled the Heavens.

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