ALthough the following Trea
tiſe being far more prolix
then becomes a Letter, and
then I at firſt intended it; I
am very unwilling to en
creaſe the already exceſsive bulk of the
Book by a Preface, yet there are ſome par
ticulars that I think my ſelf oblig'd to take
notice of to the Reader, as things, that will
either concern him to know, or me to have
tiſe being far more prolix
then becomes a Letter, and
then I at firſt intended it; I
am very unwilling to en
creaſe the already exceſsive bulk of the
Book by a Preface, yet there are ſome par
ticulars that I think my ſelf oblig'd to take
notice of to the Reader, as things, that will
either concern him to know, or me to have
In the firſt place then: If it be demand
ed why I publiſh to the World a Letter, which
by its Stile and diverſe Paſſages, appears
to have been written as well For, as To a
particular Perſon; I have chiefly theſe two
things to anſwer: The one, That the Ex
periments therein related, having been ma
ny of them try'd in the preſence of Ingeni
ous Men; and by that means having made
ed why I publiſh to the World a Letter, which
by its Stile and diverſe Paſſages, appears
to have been written as well For, as To a
particular Perſon; I have chiefly theſe two
things to anſwer: The one, That the Ex
periments therein related, having been ma
ny of them try'd in the preſence of Ingeni
ous Men; and by that means having made